Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Love Being God's Child

I love the closeness God and I have.
I love our long walks and talks.
I love His strong arms around me when we dance to praise music in my living room.
I love His strong embrace when I am crying.
He pays attention to my every sigh and looks deep into my eyes when I share my heart with Him.
I love our very own unique language of love.
I love God's gentle correction and His wise council.
I love God's fierce terrible oblideration of the enemy in His protection of me.
He is alpha and omega and I am His daughter.
When I see the wonders of the world I can say my dad made that.
He made the universe and He is even bigger than what He has made!
The sun and moon are mine because my father owns them.
The wild flowers bow when I walk by because I am my fathers daughter.
I fear nothing, not peoverty, darkness nor death because my daddy said...So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. isaiah 41:10
It may look like the wind to the unfamiliar, but God whispers "I love you" to me everyday and the trees celebrate and dance and praise His name in the breath of his love for me.
I cherish His surprises for me everyday. When the clouds are traveling low, He lifts up my spirit and swings me around, I can almost touch them.
When the sun dips behind the mountains and the sky fills with color, I know He is giving me a sweet love note that says I'm thinking of you.
I love being my father's daughter.
I love being God's child.

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