Friday, February 18, 2011

To Love Jesus

Bridegroom- a newly married man or a man about to be married.

The scent of rain and wet earth rode on the heavy summer breeze the day I sat on a log in the middle of a Tennessee forest. It blew softly over my face and through my hair.  My soul was giddy with excitement for I knew I was not alone. I was in the very presence of my beloved bridegroom, my Jesus.
The trees danced and swayed in worship praising God in all of their earthly form. The forest was stilled and awed.  I could hear crisply, sounds ordinarily unheard to my ears. The leaves that fell to the forest floor, the rays of the sun and a scurrying creature pattering it's small paws on the wet earth. The stillness was a peace, a slow motion as if Jesus were savoring this moment with me, extending it as long as I was in the spirit, a moment just between Him and me.

When Dave courted me before we were married we savored every moment together. We held hands, we gazed into each other's eyes and we kissed. My bridegroom could not get enough of me. He wanted every part of me and I wanted him. But we could not become united as one until our wedding ceremony. That did not stop us from cherishing every opportunity to be together.  We would go crazy with excitement sometimes anticipating our life together as one.

Jesus, our bridegroom.
The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit have a beautiful and perfect relationship together. They are in a perfect unity of love called holiness.
Their joy with one another is on levels beyond our understanding in the flesh.
God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit want to share that family unit, that holiness with us. Going to Disney World is really fun for Dave and I but it doesn't compare to the joy in sharing that fun, in taking our two boys with us. The beautiful relationship between the trinity is fun and joy and beautiful and wonderful and perfect holiness yet shared with us, God's children it is all the more awesome to for our Godly family the Trinity.

I think about when Adam named every creature while still in the garden. He realized that there was not one creature created just for him. He longed for a bride. God created Eve for Adam just as God has created us His adopted children, a bride for His Son.
Christ longs for us, His bride. He has a perfect relationship full of joy with the Father and the Holy Spirit and yet He longs for us. he loves us and He waits for us. To be united as one as His bride.

Dave and I have friends that are in the process of adopting a child from Rwanda.
That child is coming from the poorest country in the world.
Genocide is a common factor in her world. Starvation disease and parentless children are not unknown to her.
Our friends have a beautiful life that they want to share with her.
They have a gorgeous home, the most genuinely loving children I've ever met, zip lines in their back yard...their life is blessed and perfect and they want to share that with this child from Rwanda. She will be blown away when she arrives to her new home. Just imagine it.
She will step off the plane to immediate change of luxury for the rest of her life. She will know love beyond what she had ever experienced, she will know hot water, a warm bed, food, toys, and an inheritance from her new family.
Just as our friends are so excited to share their love and their life with her so is Jesus excited to share His life, His love His inheritance with us.
We will step off our plane called rapture and Jesus will be overjoyed to show us our new life with Him.

Before the wedding feast (after the rapture-the marriage supper of the lamb-revelations 19:7) Christ courts us. He is savoring time spent with us as we seek Him and pray to Him and long to be with Him. He cherishes every opportunity for us to be together and He is crazy excited anticipating our life together as one in eternity in the fullness of Him. He wants every part of us and He wants us to want every part of Him. He gazes into our eyes as we pray to Him and holds our hands in His. He holds our hands up to His heart so that we can feel that every beat of His heart says "I love you".

He died for His bride that we may live with Him for eternity. That we may live as His royal bride inheriting His kingdom, His glory....His Father has adopted us and placed a crown on our head because of His Son.
I have more to write on the love of the Father for us but I will have to save it for my next post.

Our bridegroom is not weak. He is a powerful force of righteousness and fierce almighty power.
He is ruler over all in all and He extends His hand to us in marriage.

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