Our decisions have either Heavenly eternal value or earthly temporal value. Here's a few examples that the christian might give with a surface glimpse at this topic.
1. the good samaritan made an eternal decision with eternal value.
2. Daniel made an eternal decision to not bow down to Nebuchadnessar's idol.
3. lying for self gain would be a temporal decision with temporal value.
4. When knowing God's answer is no and still doing our will instead, would be a temporal decision with temporary value.
Even praying for our will and not surrendering to God's will would give us temporal value.
If I prayed for my will and ignored praying for God's will to be done in my desire, which is a shiny brand new house and God in His mercy and love for me grants that to me, I've been blessed with a temporal reward - temporal value. Congratulations Danae, you have a beautiful house.
What if when I prayed for my will instead of His will and received what I really wanted in my heart, what if I missed out on the big picture. God may be holding me out from the comfortable home I so desire in order to reveal Christ in me more and more through the trials of a tiny, creaky, dirty old house. My reward and eternal value would be so much greater, in Heaven I would be praising Him for not giving me what I thought I wanted...
We are either setting ourselves up for comfort in this temporary life on earth or setting ourselves up for crowns, jewels, authority, robes of righteousness etc.. in our eternal life.
Do you think maybe God gives us opportunity every new day to make decisions for setting ourselves up for glory with and in Christ ~ for eternity?
I think He makes it easier than that with even more reward than we can fathom.
Is it true that Christ lived for 33 years without sin?
Is it true that we were born with sin so even in our first few years of life we sinned without even trying hard?
Why do we think we can make the decisions then? If we have the Word, the one who knew no sin, the Son of God, God almighty living and breathing life in us every moment of our earthly existence than why am I even making decisions in my own strength?
I'll tell you the truth. The currency in Heaven is not our good decisions, or good works.
The only thing that gives us eternal reward is the works Christ does in our life.
Our opportunity then is to surrender to Christ's life in us and His authority in every decision we make!
Lord, I surrender to You this morning, not my will but Your will be done today and in every part of my day.
I had a dream not too long ago about Heaven.
I entered eternity with the Lord and I saw Him in a ceremony giving elaborate gifts, crowns and robes.
It was spoken to me in the spirit (without words) while I was there that those people were given the rewards not for their good efforts and good works but for the good works they allowed Christ to do through them. We actually do nothing and receive God's rewards. The less we do the more He blesses us. Our goodness has no value because we have no goodness. Christ is good and righteous and sinless. He does the good in us and we surrender to Him and His life in us.
Not my glory but Christ's glory in me. Not my abilities but Christ's abilities in me.
Not my decisions but Christ's decisions through me.
And our reward is given to us because of Him!
"Delight in the Lord and He'll give you the desires of your heart." Ps 37:4