Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just Who is This Holy Spirit in Me?

Here is an outstanding truth I've recently learned through Mike Well's teaching.
It's deep and refreshing.
Jesus is the word and the Father is the source to the word.
The word and source are one.
The Holy Spirit is a result of the Source and Word making the trinity. The Holy Spirit is birthed from Source and Word. The intimacy between the Father (Source) and the Son (Expression of the Source) gives birth to an atmosphere.
The Holy Spirit is the best that can be produced from the intimacy of Father and Son.
This may sound odd but this reminds me of what is produced from the intimacy of husband and wife.
A child is the best that can be produced from the intimacy of the two.
That seed is planted in the woman to grow safely, then is birthed from the very body and lives and glorifies the parents love for each other and their child.
The Holy Spirit was created by the love of the Father and Son is planted in us and grows the revelation of Christ in our lives and truth is birthed from the Holy Spirit in us to live and glorify God's love for us and His Son.
That's just a thought I'm trying to get in writing. Forgive me I haven't worked out the presentation yet.
I'm just being raw and vulnerable with what I'm learning in Christ.

When people think of the term spirit they mostly think of angels or demons.
In the language of the bible spirits are also atmospheres.
"spirit of judgement, spirit of wisdom spirit of humility........"
Do you notice when you visit a house with a spirit of conflict you end up feeling the conflict yourself, you easily have a tendency towards conflict and it brings your countenance down?
When entering a house with the atmosphere of joy you yourself are joyful.
The Holy Spirit is not wandering through the laps of dimensions He is not sitting on His throne, rather, "the Spirit that encompasses the Father and Son is a Holy Spirit, an atmosphere whose presence and power is so great that for those in it's influence, being Holy makes sense and becomes possible." When the Holy Spirit comes, He brings contrast from the world to a Heavenly understanding. When the Holy spirit enters a person, that person's life is immediately contrasted with the atmosphere that flows from the intimacy of the Father and the Son.

I think of what David said "Take not thy Holy Spirit from me." Was he talking about the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit?
With the Holy Spirit within us we have the power and authority and tools to live as Christ.
For Christ's life to literally live through us. 
"I am the vine you are the branch" I can't live as a branch without the vine. My life is dead but Christ's life is alive, holy, righteous, unblemished...I rest in the vine and in His life in exchange for my death.

The Holy Spirit is a result of the Father and the Son's love for each other.
That love is indwelling in me.
Jesus said that the same Holy Spirit that walked with them would walk in them. 
"The atmosphere created in the intimacy of God the best of His love, would now dwell in them."m.w.
"The word became flesh and dwelt among them." We know this to be Jesus.
Why is it a surprise to think an atmosphere could become a person called the comforter? The people that came to see the Word that was dressed in linen clothing did not come to see His clothing. They were consumed with the Word that became flesh.
This Holy Spirit, an atmosphere that brings the presence of god to men and gives men power, came clothed in tongues.
I don't worship the clothes, the proof of the Spirit cannot be condensed to miracles, gifts, or fruit all of which can be duplicated by the enemy.
The proof is that Jesus is lifted up.
The enemy cannot lift up the Truth, the Word, Jesus.
Men are drawn to Jesus. satan can never copy lifting up Jesus.
We are to be filled with the atmosphere of the intimacy of the Father and Son.
We are filled with the Holy Spirit.

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