Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is Not My Home

Satan does a very poor imitation of life. He tries to entice us with the counterfeit life.
I was walking to the park not long ago. As I crossed the street with an unthankful heart I began to complain to the Lord about our financial situation.
At that moment a shinny brand new land rover passed, and I coveted. This is a car I could really use. Don't we deserve it? We have been working so hard and with nothing to show for it.  I vented to the Lord.
Then I heard Him say "that is the best the world has to offer".
Well AMEN. It hit me like a semi-truck. That is the best the world has to offer!
And the best the world has to offer will not last in the first place not to mention it will be destroyed in the end. Why am I striving to accumulate the best the world has to offer?

The world offers disease, loneliness, slavery, poverty, lust, eyes that are never satisfied......
The Lord calls us child and offers citizenship of Heaven, crowns of glory, inheritance of His kingdom, co-rulers in eternity, robes of righteousness, love and acceptance.....
I'm an alien to life on earth for a short time, I will be a citizen in Heaven for eternity.

When I set a goal for our family to live as comfortably as possible and the realities of life on earth steal my joy and thwart my goals, I have to remember to turn my gaze upon Jesus. 
As Dave and I are working towards being debt free, MBA/MASTERS, Harvard, owning our own business, working at Ouray and raising Oscar my plans and goals for us to FINALLY "reap what have sown" never seem to become reality. And on top of that the government doesn't follow my standards of comfort either.
My most recent concern is of loosing freedoms through our government.
My mind can take me to fantasies of a dark future.

This is where my mind goes:

'Does being an American mean socialism some day soon?'
'Will all the hard work we've put into our business, paying off debts and schooling mean nothing for us in the near future?'
'Will we be paying so many taxes we won't see the fruits of all our hard work?'

Life on earth certainly isn't getting more comfortable. It's starting to get scary not to mention painful and I personally have a fear of our freedom of religion soon being taken from us.
With prayer in schools already out of the picture and homosexuality being taught in a few trial schools I'm starting to really see the point Paul made when he said:
Philipians. 3:19-22 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. 20But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

"Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things." This sounds like our government. I feel like we are gradually placing our freedom in their hands to make decisions for us. 

I'm thankful for the glimpse God gives us of our real future. The future for us where we hold citizenship.
Our home.
Not only do we have citizenship in a most beautiful place that God himself is preparing continuisly in all His creativity and glory but we will have new beautiful unbroken, undiseased unblemished and glorified bodies!
That is the place we call home.

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