Friday, April 2, 2010

Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Me

When I read that title I kinda feel like that geek in high school that puts their arms around the "cool" crowd and sticks their head in the middle and says 'Here I am'.
But with the Father and the Son I didn't have to tag along and put myself in the middle of the three. God fashioned me to be ONE with His Son, the very apple of God's eye. God the Son and the Holy Spirit are the main factors of all of existence and eternity, they are more than the most amazing omniscient powerful source we can fathom and when we walk around in God's royal robes of righteousness that we don't deserve...we won't just stick our heads in the middle of the entities of all eternity and look cool, we'll be one with the entities as family, bride and heirs. WE are more than cool!  God invited us to be His Son's bride and Christ our groom is so intimately in love with us He died for us to be with Him... (there will be more in Heaven than just the bride of christ, there will be "creatures and principalities and powers and mights" etc. so we are the royalty over all that in Christ)

Can you imagine the love the Father has for His Son?
I cannot comprehend it but I can imagine the love I have for my son Oscar.
When God created us He fashioned a bride for His Son.
He said "let us make man in our image." He and the Son worked together. They connected and bonded in making their most treasured creation in their intimate relationship. God and Son created the Son's bride.

In my adoration and love for my son Oscar I can get jealous and carried away when I think of a day he brings home his future bride.
He won't look to me anymore as the center of his universe. I will no longer be the one to nurture him through pain and heartbreak.
He will have the love of his life and he will no longer need to give me his full attention.

When God created us as His children and His Son's bride He knew what it would mean.
He created a bride for His Son and called us children even though He knew we would betray His Son.  

He knew we would sin against the holiness of His Son. It doesn't feel good when someone hurts our children. It hurts even more when we love the person that hurt us.

Now can you imagine the love the Father has for us?

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." Ephesians 5:31
God made us to cleave to His Son. We are one with Christ and He prepares a place for us and we leave and cleave to Him alone. 
Jesus left His Heavenly home, the comforts of His Father's house and came to earth to be with His bride.
He died for us, rose from the dead, forgave us for all sins ever committed by His bride and now is one flesh with us. He left His Father's house and cleaves to us. The intimacy between bride and groom would mirror the intimacy between father and son.
A bond unmeasurable.

Not only does the Father love us for His Son, despite our sin and ugliness, He loves us because of who He made us. He loves each and everyone of us individually uncomprehendably perfectly for just who we are.
God says to us "I've always loved you."
We bring nothing to offer Him except His Son in us. 
God sees His Son in us and Jesus sees His Father in us. We are the result of their love for each other and Christ death on the cross is the result of their love for us.

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