Atonement Has Been Offered
There was a certain practice in the Roman court in Jesus time that was familiar to all.If you were arrested and brought to justice in a Roman court they would write down every crime of which you were convicted and they listed them on a "certificate of debt" and they nailed it on the cell door. When you lived out your crime and were released they wrote on your certificate of debt Tetelestai which means- paid in full.
Colossians 2:14
"Having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; He has taken it away, nailing it to the cross."
Each one of us are born owing God the perfect righteousness (that He originally created us with) but we can't pay (We sinned in the garden of eden and are born with this sin).
That certificate of debt that we owe God shows that we are forever excluded from His presence. When JesusChrist went to the cross He nailed your certificate of debt to the cross. On it was every sin you'll ever commit. When he cried his next to last cry while on the cross He screamed out the word that was on the certificates.
He cried tetelestai - paid in full!
John translates it - it is finished; but what was in the world during the time that the new testament was written was translated - paid in full.
Your certificate of debt to God has been paid in full.
We get to fellowship with God. We get to enjoy the relationship unity with Father Son and Holy Spirit. We get to enjoy the kingdom of God as His children, co-rulers with Christ and Heirs to the kingdom.
I know in my own walk in this life satan lies to me. He will remind me of past sins. He tries to oppress me with my own inadequacies and sins.
He wants to discourage me and bring me fear that I need to work harder or that I'm just not good enough to be a child of God.
I say TETELESTAI! It has been paid in full. It is finished! Get behind me satan and eat my dirt!
I am not good enough but Christ is and he has paid the price for me on the cross. Praise Jesus. Thank you Lord. I have been forgiven.
Do not let the enemy bring up things from the past that God has already forgiven you for. If you have brought that to the Lord already and laid it at the cross, you can walk in victory. You can hold your head up and know your place as God's child.
When those things are brought up you say triumphantly Tetelestai - paid in full. Praise Jesus.
Satan wants to bring you down if he can't destroy you he will try to oppress and depress you.
There is something that I will never forget. Something the Lord allowed me to see with my own eyes one unforgettable night. I was hesitant to share this but I felt the prodding of the Holy Spirit to share with you.
Two summers ago when I was staying at our family's cabin it seemed every night my sleep was disrupted by some kind of spiritual warfare. It was so heavy I cannot describe here now but just know that I was on my knees everyday praying for discernment and understanding and truth during a summer of obvious spiritual warfare.
One night I was startled awake by the Holy Spirit. There was no doubt that I was about to encounter something evil. I woke up with a jolt and my heart was racing, pounding out of my body before I even knew what what happening. The spirit in me was already aware and awake and bringing me up to speed. There was this horrible evil darkness in the corner of the room where the door was closed. I immediately looked in that direction and could see complete details of a very large, shiny black very skinny spiky headed demon hunched over but standing and holding some kind of long stick thing that curved at the top. The demon was hunched and half turned away from me but cowering in the corner of the room, looking at me but something was very evident about this scene.
I sat up in my bed staring at this thing but without any fear whatsoever. I stared and I prayed in my mind asking God what He wanted me to do or to know about this.
He revealed something in me. He said "he is scared" and the Holy Spirit revealed what this meant.
First of all if I as a child of God know the truth then that scares the enemy. The truth is that Jesus lives inside of me. He is the "word" and the word is living and active, sharper than any double edged sword it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit , joints and marrow.....Hebrews 4:12
Hello! this thing is spirit and the word in me - JESUS- divides him. He's scared.
When I know the truth, I send him out with thunder, I send him on his way in wrath and power. He is afraid and rightly so. God opened my eyes to this truth. When we don't know the truth and if I were to see this thing without the eyes of truth I would have been afraid and he would have been fed off my fear because fear is not of the Lord but of the enemy. But I was in control in Jesus name and he was afraid of me. God wanted me to see that the enemy has no power. Christ is victorious and has already won. The battle is over. satan knows it and is afraid of us.
matthew 12:45
"when an unclean spirit goes out of a man he goes through dry places, seeking rest and finds none..."
I am going to have to address this more in another post. I could write too much just on this verse alone.
Claim the truth in Jesus name during your day.
You have been forgiven, your debt has been paid in full. You are a child of God almighty the one true living God creator of all. Jesus the Son of God died for your sins and lives inside of you.
(romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.")
To conclude my story after receiving this understanding from the Lord I said out loud to this scared demon in my room just what came to my mind and that was "you don't belong here, I belong to Jesus, leave in the name of Jesus." thats all I said but it left immediately and not in an angry way but just quickly. I think we have no idea how much is going on around us and how much we can use the power of Jesus the word of God to reveal the truth and to send the enemy packing and with a kick to the butt in all sorts of situations.
Not only are we forgiven but we walk around with access to Jesus power.
Watch out evil we know what we are made of!
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