I turned to greet Dave when he came home from work last night with Wells's spit up caked in my hair, two different socks on and circles rimming my eyes. An added bonus was Oscar's throw up on the front of my shirt.
Oscar currently refuses to swallow his food. He keeps it in his mouth so long that he chokes on it, and throws it up, usually all over me.
Among these fun activities during the day there is also the sting of still grieving Jake. This makes for a very strained attempt at caking a smile on my face for Dave when he walks in from a long day at work.
I have a very loving husband whom does not hold this mommy grunge look against me. He has said that the mommy grunge is evidence of my love for him and our children. Even though my desire is to be completely put together before he gets home (and most days I work to make that a reality) the truth is with two children under the age of three, there are few opportunities to do anything for myself. Feeding time alone is a feat right now. An attempt at feeding oscar will take 40 minutes of begging bribing and tricking him to get at least a small amount of food in him for one day.
But all motherhood woes aside, I have felt an urgency lately. a pressing perception that Jesus is coming soon to gather the church. This makes me jump out of my skin excited. I dont want anyone to miss out. I want to run through my local grocery store and shout out ftom the excitment in my heart "hes coming hes coming" I want to tell anyone I come into contact with "just repent and ask jesus to be your savior, believe that he died for your sins!" (romans 10:9)
Now imagine this scene with the way I curently look and you have a crazy person running around denver freaking everyone out.
John the baptist wih his camel hair outfit would look less crazy than me.
The Holy Spirit has been prodding my heart to be ready to unashamedly speak in boldness in my faith in Christ. Also to be ready (as the virgin's were ready with the oil lamps in Jesus parable Matthew 25).
The spirit, the Holy Spirit is testifying to this truth in me that Christ will rapture us soon. Obviously I do not know the day or hour but being that I am a child of God himself(acts 1:28), I am bride to christ the very son of God (revelation 19:7-9), the Holy Spirit of God rests in me (acts 2), I am the temple of God this very moment (1 corinthians 6:19-20), how can I not know that there is a stirring of the Spirit that Christ will be soon here to rapture us home? As well as my very relationsip with God there are the signs of the times that He warned us of, all over the place! There's no way to be casual about it. His signs before his return are everywhere!!
So little wife and mother that I am, a speck in the universe, an "insignificant woman in the world, yet I am heir to the kingdom of the creator of the universe and I don't even find time to put a clean non-spit up shirt on before my husband returns home from work let alone prepare and do great things for the name of God before He comes back to gather us home for the great wedding feast!
This has me praying for help in being ready for Christ's return.
Lord what does it look like to be ready for you?
Just as dave loves to see me in the throws of motherhood, a woman that loves his children and him, even without a second to tend to myself to look pretty, so is God speaking to my heart that he loves to see me in the midst of the breath of life that He gave me.
Right now that means that I am a mother who is stuck in the house most days of the week.
This is right where God has me right now. I have to surrender that back to Him and trust Him with that. I look out into the world and see woman of God doing great things in God's name. But right now being ready for Christ's return is in my p.j.'s at home and living in the moments where Christ's life is glorified in me. Even in my home with only two little ones to watch all the "godly" progress.
So for now I'm not called to run through the grocery store bursting out of my skin with crazy eyes and excited chirps that Jesus is coming. Although when I am there I am ready to tell anyone of Jesus! The good news, His love and forgiveness for them and I ask the Lord "who here do you want me to share your love with?" I wait on the Lord's words, His timing and His will before I try to do my own "great" work in sharing the gospel.
Jesus was a carpenter for 30 years.
He went to work every day without a reported miracle.
He sat at the carpenter's bench he planned his projects, he carved and hammered. No souls were saved no great miracles no mass of people following Him for 30 years of His life on earth.
This makes me wonder about something.
What does that mean about our lives on earth?
The son of God almighty was on earth in human form for 30 years as a carpenter. Well we know there was something happening there. God himself wasn't in human form living among us doing nothing for those years. There was an unseen gift of the most valuable significance unraveling between Father and Son during that time. A gift most treasured for eternity. With an eternal perspective you can see more truth.
God and Jesus were working something out for eternal glory, for eternal reward for eternal value.
And my question is what is God doing in us when we are in the midst of our work on the carpenter's bench.
When I am doing something which from a worldly perspective may look unimportant or lacking great power of God - I'm not out with missionaries in a third world country or speaking to thousands with billy graham. That is a beautiful life for these great children of God, but God calls me to stay at home while I'm drudging it out on the bathroom floor scrubbing Oscar's oopsy pee pee puddles. I'm surrendering my day to Jesus life in me and trusting Him and His will but not seeing any great miracles in my day.
But what is God working out with Christ inside of me for the eternal reward? For the eternal life ahead of me?
Are we developing a bond and relationship so blessed from our time on earth that cannot ever be given in such a way as my time on earth with Him?
He went to work every day without a reported miracle.
He sat at the carpenter's bench he planned his projects, he carved and hammered. No souls were saved no great miracles no mass of people following Him for 30 years of His life on earth.
This makes me wonder about something.
What does that mean about our lives on earth?
The son of God almighty was on earth in human form for 30 years as a carpenter. Well we know there was something happening there. God himself wasn't in human form living among us doing nothing for those years. There was an unseen gift of the most valuable significance unraveling between Father and Son during that time. A gift most treasured for eternity. With an eternal perspective you can see more truth.
God and Jesus were working something out for eternal glory, for eternal reward for eternal value.
And my question is what is God doing in us when we are in the midst of our work on the carpenter's bench.
When I am doing something which from a worldly perspective may look unimportant or lacking great power of God - I'm not out with missionaries in a third world country or speaking to thousands with billy graham. That is a beautiful life for these great children of God, but God calls me to stay at home while I'm drudging it out on the bathroom floor scrubbing Oscar's oopsy pee pee puddles. I'm surrendering my day to Jesus life in me and trusting Him and His will but not seeing any great miracles in my day.
But what is God working out with Christ inside of me for the eternal reward? For the eternal life ahead of me?
Are we developing a bond and relationship so blessed from our time on earth that cannot ever be given in such a way as my time on earth with Him?
His life's work is yet to be fulfilled. I have a whole entire eternity to continue to live and my time on earth prepares me for a great ministry in eternity. I believe that something unseen, a mystery right now but a gift and a remarkable wow is happening right now, during our most unspectacular moments on earth for the eternal glory.
I praise you Lord for your plan and for your will for me to change poopy diapers.
I praise you Lord for your plan and for your will for me to change poopy diapers.
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