Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Madly In Love

These are not the greatest quality pictures but it's all I have at the moment. All pictures are in my mom's camera and I'm waiting to get some back.

I am completely insanely in love with these two boys. I have been blessed with two boys and a husband that I cannot even fathom the depth of my own love for them.
Well's Jake Monroe Woodall was born Tuesday morning at 1am the 23rd of November.
9 lbs 14 oz 21" long.
He came out with big chubby cheeks and a healthy dose of baby fat all over.
In the weeks and MANY months leading up to this unforgettable day I was sharing in the previous post that I started to wonder if it was all true and if this was even going to actually happen. It's a crazy thought that I had a 9lb baby living and growing in my body for 9 months and I still had doubts that it was real.
Picture my mom took of me at the grocery store days before Wells arrival. I was HUGE. My belly couldn't be stretched any further out.

It's too much of a miracle to be real! This child lives inside of me and will soon be born from my body into the world to live and grow and learn and be loved under the care of David and I.
It's so wonderful.
As I was trying to explain this to my mom only a few days before Wells was born she had a beautiful thought from the Lord.
She said that just as it is an impossible thought that we carry a living child created and formed in our womb by God Himself for 9 months to be born alive into the world it is also an impossible thought that Christ really is returning to take the church home to be born into life to live with the Father... As in pregnancy we have signs that there really is a baby in there and that baby will be born soon, so it is with the signs of the seasons that we see Christ is returning soon to take us home. We will be born again into our real life in eternity. I can get really discouraged thinking this is taking forever! When are you coming Lord? I see the signs happening all around me. Prophecies are being fulfilled and yet I doubt He will return let alone soon. But it's kind of obvious as my belly can't be any bigger as in this picture above shows, the signs of Christ return can't be any more obvious either.
Very exciting. I just wanted to share that thought that my mom had it was an eye opening conversation for me.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations danae! what beautiful boys you have. and, what a beautful pregnant lady you are! will there be a number three?
