Sunday, November 21, 2010

Here We Go!

Just an update:
We are at the hospital right now awaiting our second son Well's arrival into the world.
I'm contracting and at a few centimeters. It should be a long night ahead of us.
As I lay in this hospital bed feeling the intensity of each oncoming contraction I think about the long wait anticipating this day, anticipating the very moment that he enters into our life on earth.
Over the past few weeks I've prayed about the significance of birth pains felt before Christs arrival to bring the church home. The second coming has been fast on my heart and mind for several months, more lately than ever.
These contractions are not comfortable at all, and neither are the birth pains God told us would come in the end times before the return of Christ. I know the time is soon, all the prophecies are happening before our very eyes. The "signs of the times" are now. Just as God said that we would know winter is coming by the season of fall, we will know we are in the end times the final days before He comes to take us home by the signs of the season (signs of the times).
9 months is a long wait for a mother longing to experience motherhood, yearning to hold her child in her arms. It's been a long wait too, yearning for Jesus to rescue us from the birthing pains of life on earth in the end times. As my mom and I were sitting on the couch 2 days ago. I told her I knew this baby was coming soon. I saw the signs of his arrival but I couldn't believe he was going to actually be here. It's crazy that I can carry him for almost a year and still I doubt the miracle can actually happen.
I think how can this be? This child has been growing in me and I know his day of birth is fast approaching but I can't wrap my mind around it.
My mom had a sweet thought from the Lord that said just as
okay I actually have to put this post to rest for now. The contractions are too intense to finish the post. I'll be back after the epidural has been given to finish my thought.

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