Sunday, July 11, 2010

Reeling it in (Here We Go part 3)

1 cor 2:9
However, as it is written: 
   "No eye has seen, 
      no ear has heard, 
   no mind has conceived 
   what God has prepared for those who love him"

I like one of Mike Well's explanations of being made in God's image.
I'm paraphrasing:
One day God created an angel.
The angel looked in the mirror and saw his beauty and all the remarkable things he could do.
He said to the other angels, "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? We are glorious."
And that day satan and his angels were cast out of heaven because they thought the glory was theirs and not the Lord's.
God does not share His glory. We are given a reflection of His glory we only possess His glory through the Father.
How much more would we as God's children and made in His image look in the mirror and think we are beautiful and glorious. We would all the more than the angels because we were made in His likeness...

So when I was sitting on the couch that day, I saw those things I've already shared in parts 1 and 2 but there was more.
I saw that spending time on earth experiencing trials and hardships and our own sin results in us loosing our identity and loosing our righteousness and glory we recognize after time on earth that we are not priveledged heirs and co-rulers with Christ given gifts and crowns and royalty and robes because we deserve it but only because of God's goodness and righteousness and glory ~ (not ours, we have none).

In Heaven we are given authority, rulership, strength, righteousness, royal robes and honor...
When our loved ones that have died before us walk through the gates of Heaven and the beauty of God's creatures and creation and dominions and powers see a son of God walk by, as they bow down in understanding the magnitude of the child of God's existence, the child will know, 'glory to God in the highest.' and He seeing Jesus bows before him. Now using my baby brother as an example of what I'm trying to say, Jesus in the presence of all the roaring crowd places a crown on Jakes head. Jake has nothing to give. God has forgiven Jake for all of his sins, given him all of Heaven and eternity and creation itself as Jake's inheritance and all Jake can do is take the crown off lay it at Jesus feet and praise God in awe of God's awesomeness.

All we can give back is what God has already given us. We are nothing without Jesus in us and we know this after time spent on earth.

Just Jake's image and presence alone gives God glory because God made him in His image and His glory and those that look upon Jake praise God and marvel at God's goodness. Seeing Jake, a former sinner, forgiven by God and paid by Christ's sacrifice and blood all the more glory is given to God and those that look upon the children of God cannot help but bow before the Prince's and princesses of God and see the reflection of God's amazing love in these prodigal children.

ANOTHER THING :)  (Hope you are still with me) when the movie avatar came out it was a perfect example in my eyes of what I had recently learned about God's huge creation.

James Cameron came up with an imaginative world full of wonder and beautiful creatures and intelligent life. We watch that movie and think what an amazing place and wish possibly that there were creatures and a place that beautiful out there somewhere.
Well, I couldn't help but see some truth in the movie.
As God told me (as explained in part 2) "what if I didn't mean just the creation you can see" I knew as I was watching that colorful movie that God is bigger than His creation, and He is bigger than our imaginations! He may have given James a glimpse a small glimpse of His creativity that God is bigger and His creation is bigger than we know. It's not just what we see in our universe or know of, He's a whole lot huger than that.
So as an example of God's unseen creation we may be able to look at avatar and think wow, there may be creatures out there and in Heaven ultimately that are blue? and stand taller than us, and are beautiful but are not made in God's image yet STILL bring God glory.
We (pretending avatar is real) look in the face of these magnificent beings and think WOW god you are amazing! Look at what you created! and look at what beauty you have portrayed in them, and they looking at us made in their own creators likeness say WOW god you are amazing! Look at your glory, look at what beauty you have given your children.

I John 3:2 & 3, “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.”
 It may not be those specific beings but there will be plenty of creatures that we will marvel and say wow this creature brings God glory as we look upon them and bow before God at the awesome creativity and beauty He has placed in them and they will look at us and marvel at God for His beauty in us.

The glory that God is preparing us for now for an eternity with Him, the position and jobs we are being fashioned for now are beyond our comprehension. We will be warriors and rulers and we wouldn't be given all of these powerful gifts if we thought we deserved it. 
As many children of God that are out there in existence, there are trillions more creatures and worlds and dominions and mights that are not made in His image. We are the heirs with Christ. His children.

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