I would love to be sitting on a big front porch with hot chocolate and a blanket watching this storm pass by.
There is something really exciting about storms to me because even in the midst of crashing thunder and fierce winds I always know that the storm will pass so I allow myself to enjoy it rather than fear it.
The struggles on earth seem to come just as frequently as the storms on earth. They will never cease as long as we live on earth.
Revelation 4:21, And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold the tabernacle of God is among men, and He shall dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be among them, and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.”
This verse is a sweet glimpse of Heaven. We can look forward to no struggles in eternity but for now we are faced with storms and struggles and pain and death. But can we imagine seeing these struggles as an opportunity to experience the Lord in a way that will enhance our understanding of Him in Heaven?
If all was well for all of our existence would we know His mercy and grace and love to the extent that we know it now in our mourning?
This morning I attempted to open my bible to glean something from the Lord during this time when the storm is bearing down on my life. I couldn't focus in the silence. Every thought brought me back to "what is Jake doing right now? Is the shooter going to get away with killing him?" Not far behind this thought is " How will we pay for the damage the floods have done on our Nashville home? How will I take care of Oscar today when I'm hugging the toilet all day with pregnancy nausea?"
The Lord spoke to my heart.
"Just rest"
My spirit got it immediately. I didn't need any time to digest.
The storm is raging above my head I'm drenched and weary from the elements but I knew where to go. I turned and ran to the Lord and fell in His lap.
It may have looked like I ran to my room and fell on my bed but I knew where I was. I was before the Lord God almighty creator and redeemer, Lover of my soul. I didn't sing worship or confess sins. I didn't pray a long list of requests. I just rested in the midst of the storm in the arms of the creator.
If life was easy for me today and if I was not at the very end of myself I would not have experienced God's love. I would just have known about His Love. But God wants us to not only know His everlasting love for us, HE wants us to experience it.
When I'm in need I turn to the provider. I not only know He provides I experience His provision as my loving Father.
We are only human one time. There is no reincarnation. To experience the struggles and storms of life on earth is almost exciting like watching the storm come and pass. This too shall pass.
Heb.9:27 and when we are on the other side of the storm we will rejoice for knowing God more intimately and for knowing His mercy and what He brought us out of in His love and grace.